Coming out of Egypt and into the Promised Land.


We know that we are set free from sin because we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. But do we know that this wonderful experience is not a one time event? It is a progressive series of experiences of coming to a knowledge of the truth, first in the person of Jesus and then in the ways that He impacts upon every single area of our past, present and future with the light of His presence.

Leaving Egypt and the Slavery of Sin.

My conversion was at the age of 4-5 when my Sunday School teacher had us sing ‘Jesus loves me this I know, for the bible tells me so!” I thought to myself that if this Jesus loved me then I was going to love Him back. From that moment I didn’t realise it, but I had left the slavery of sin and death behind. I had entered into eternal life! I had left Egypt!

My first memory of how this changed my behaviour was when I chose not to lie to my mum to cover up a misdemeanour. I knew the truth that I was a child of God who needed to be honest. I had the power to no longer lie, and the courage to face the consequences of my sin without fear. Needless to say my mum was shocked and didn’t believe me when I told her the truth. How could my character change so suddenly? I had been a liar, but now I was a daughter of the Light!

We are progressively changed into His likeness. Through all the trials and tribulations of life He is guiding us into all truth.